Dr. Zachary Bryant in Oshawa, ON

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Dr. Zachary Bryant earned his Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Robert Morris University, while fulfilling a lacrosse scholarship. His academic journey continued as he recently achieved his Doctorate of Optometry with Honors from Salus University (PCO) in 2023. Through rigorous clinical rotations across the United States, he gained invaluable experience and honed his skills to deliver exceptional eye care. Hailing from Oshawa, Dr. Bryant is deeply rooted in the local sports community and is eager to contribute to the well-being of his hometown by providing quality eye care services.

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Where to Find Us

You can find us at the intersection of Simcoe Street and Conlin Road. There’s plenty of parking available outside the clinic.

Our Address

  • 2069 Simcoe Street North
  • Oshawa, ON L1G 0C9

Contact Information

Explore Our Brands

With our location on the corner of Simcoe and Conlin, we have more room to display our incredible frame selection. Our team knows that choosing your eyewear can be a very personal experience. We have something for everyone. 

Explore our brands and find your next pair of frames today.

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