Our Location in Oshawa, ON

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Visit Our Beautiful Clinic in Oshawa

Parkview Optometry is a full-scope optometry experience. Our dedicated team works together to create a memorable patient experience. We offer services like:

  • Comprehensive eye exams
  • Dry eye treatment
  • Glaucoma & cataract management
  • Laser eye surgery consultations

You can find Parkview Optometry at the intersection of Simcoe Street and Conlin Road. We have plenty of parking available outside the clinic. 

Contact us to schedule your appointment today and experience the Parkview Optometry difference.

Where to Find Us

You can find us at the intersection of Simcoe Street and Conlin Road. There’s plenty of parking available outside the clinic.

Our Address

  • 2069 Simcoe Street North
  • Oshawa, ON L1G 0C9

Contact Information

Explore Our Brands

With our location on the corner of Simcoe and Conlin, we have more room to display our incredible frame selection. Our team knows that choosing your eyewear can be a very personal experience. We have something for everyone. 

Explore our brands and find your next pair of frames today.

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