Children’s Eye Exams in Oshawa, ON

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Giving Your Child a Headstart with Comprehensive Care

Children are continuously growing and changing, including their eyes. However, because children’s learning and development depend on their eyes as they interact and explore their world, eye problems can impact their quality of life.

Regular eye exams are an essential part of maintaining and protecting your child’s ocular health and vision. Many vision and ocular health conditions can develop without noticeable symptoms, leading to increased risk if they’re not diagnosed and treated early.

Refractive conditions like myopia and hyperopia can get in the way of your child’s learning, but we’re here to help. Contact us to schedule your appointment today and set your children up for success early.

Symptoms to Look Out for

They may be subtle, but you can watch for some signs that may indicate that your child has a visual problem. These include:

  • An eye that turns in or out
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Squinting, rubbing, or covering one or both eyes
  • Excessive blinking
  • An inability to concentrate
  • Hold objects too close
  • Sitting too close to the TV
  • Avoiding books or TV
  • Headaches

If you notice your child exhibiting these symptoms, please book them for an eye exam as soon as possible.

When to Bring Your Kids in for an Eye Exam

The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends the following exam schedule for children based on their age. The eye exam process will differ based on the developmental stage of your child.

The exam frequency may change depending on your child’s unique needs. Our team will be able to create a custom exam schedule for you following your child’s initial exam.

Children should receive their first eye exam between the ages of 6 and 9 months.

Your baby’s eyes develop exponentially within their first 6 months of life. By the time they’re 6 months old, they will have acquired eye movement control and hand-eye coordination skills. An eye exam at this time will look for common childhood eye conditions, like strabismus and congenital eye health conditions.

Our optometrists are experienced with family eye care. We use various child-friendly methods to evaluate your child’s ocular health and vision.

Children between the ages of 2 and 5 should have at least one eye exam before entering school.

These are important developmental years when your child will continue to improve their hand-eye coordination and gain added depth perception. An eye exam will discover potential vision problems or eye diseases, which require treatment and management before your child enters school.

Activities like building blocks, assembling puzzles, painting, drawing, or sorting items for size and colour are great for helping your child with their visual development.

School-age children should undergo annual eye exams. Your child will constantly use their eyes during these years, from school to play to extracurricular activities.

Your child will depend on several visual skills to help them interact and understand the world and succeed academically and socially. If your child’s visual skills are impaired, their learning and development will be impacted detrimentally.

If your child begins to develop visual or ocular issues, their eyes will adjust to compensate. This means your child may not be aware of the problems because they think how they’re seeing is normal. Undiagnosed and uncorrected vision problems can lead to headaches, fatigue, and difficulty staying focused or concentrating in school.

Even if your child’s eyes seem healthy and their eyesight stable, they should receive annual eye exams to diagnose and manage potential issues before damage occurs.

Eye See…Eye Learn Program

If your child is looking for new glasses for junior or senior kindergarten, the Eye See… Eye Learn Program can help!

Eye See… Eye Learn is a program designed to help provide a complimentary pair of glasses to children who need them so that they are set up for success in their journey into school. 

Combine this fantastic opportunity with your child’s annual eye exam covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, and give them the sight they deserve so they can stay focused in school.

Early & Consistent Eye Exams

Your child’s vision is precious, and we want to help preserve it. Our team works with you and your children to prepare a personalized exam schedule based on their needs.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today and put your child’s visual health first.

Where to Find Us

You can find us at the intersection of Simcoe Street and Conlin Road. There’s plenty of parking available outside the clinic.

Our Address

  • 2069 Simcoe Street North
  • Oshawa, ON L1G 0C9

Contact Information

Explore Our Brands

With our location on the corner of Simcoe and Conlin, we have more room to display our incredible frame selection. Our team knows that choosing your eyewear can be a very personal experience. We have something for everyone. 

Explore our brands and find your next pair of frames today.

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